The U.S. protects Israel in the UNSC, which is the recipient of a record number of condemnation resolutions from the ...
Israel’s legitimacy crisis extends beyond the allegations of being an illegitimate genocidal regime under international law ...
South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party was on its way to losing its majority after winning roughly 41% ...
NATO should adopt an anti-occupation stance in Palestine, similar to the one it did against the invasion of Ukraine, Foreign ...
U.S. President Joe Biden said that Israel had offered a new framework toward permanent peace in Gaza, as he called on Hamas ...
The top diplomat of the European Union called for a roadmap to reach a cease-fire and the release of hostages following the ...
U.S. President Joe Biden said that Israel had offered a new framework toward permanent peace in Gaza, as he called on Hamas ...
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Friday received Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti at the Presidential Complex in the ...
Iraq's efforts against the PKK will be enhanced, the country's prime minister highlighted, saying that cooperation with ...
Türkiye's economy expanded by 5.7% in the first quarter, official data showed Friday, marking one of the world's highest ...
A French court has ruled the auction of a trophy awarded to the late Diego Maradona after the 1986 World Cup can go ahead as ...
Coast guard units caught 89 irregular migrants and rescued 52 others pushed back by Greece off the coast of Türkiye's Izmir ...