Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: Apple WPS can be abused for surveillance, Canadian government ...
The US announced that the 911 S5 (Cloud Router) botnet, likely the world’s largest, has been dismantled and its administrator ...
The recently disclosed Check Point VPN attacks involve the zero-day vulnerability CVE-2024-24919, which allows hackers to ...
Over 600,000 SOHO routers belonging to a single ISP and infected with the Chalubo trojan were rendered inoperable.
NIST is receiving support to get the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and CVE processing back on track within the next ...
The email addresses and other information of hundreds of British, French and EU politicians have been found on the dark web.
Step-by-step guidance for migrating from traditional network architectures to a scalable cloud-based security model.
Chrome vulnerability CVE-2024-5274 is a high-severity flaw described as a type confusion in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly ...
CISA instructs federal agencies to mitigate CVE-2024-1086, a Linux kernel flaw leading to privilege escalation.
Sam Altman spent part of his virtual appearance fending off thorny questions about governance, an AI voice controversy ...
Disruptive cyberattacks have doubled in the European Union in recent months, says the EU’s top cybersecurity official.
Auction house Christie’s has confirmed suffering a data breach following a ransomware attack launched earlier this month.