Museum collections and a new documentary on Jim Henson’s life and career reveal how his creativity cemented his legacy ...
Following turbulence on a flight last week that led to one death and dozens of injuries, researchers, flight attendants and ...
Beginning in the Renaissance, locals affixed verses protesting various societal ills to six sculptures scattered across the ...
A recent discovery in a Polish library of 27 books that were thought to have been lost sheds light on the breadth of the ...
The jawless, parasitic fish largely haven't changed over the last 340 million years, but they might be better sources for ...
A mighty oak covers the ground in piles of acorns. Squirrels gather them up, growing fat on the rich bounty and storing more ...
A gripping first-hand account of life in space and the making of an astronaut. Veteran NASA astronaut Tom Jones is uniquely ...
A new study finds the black-and-white marine mammals tend to make shorter, shallower dives compared to humpback and blue ...
The USS Harder, known by the nickname "Hit ‘em HARDER," was led by a commander known for his 'particularly audacious attacks' ...
Archeology technician Aureliano Valencia teaches the next generation of researchers how to restore pre-Columbian ceramics at ...
Discovered among the graves of hundreds of cats, dogs and monkeys, the correspondence was likely written by centurions in the ...
Membership services like Flow Club, Flown and Caveday offer online study halls complete with proctors and goal setting ...