NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar reflected on his time with longtime friend and rival Bill Walton in a personal note.
Every so often, everyone experiences a W H Auden Funeral Blues Moment. Sometimes it is a personal tragedy. But, occasionally, it is a collective wider disaster. John Donne (1572–1631 ...
Here he gets a lengthy soliloquy about his wife, which is surely designed to bring back memories of his reading of WH Auden’s ...
When John Hannah stood up and recited W.H. Auden's Funeral Blues in 1994's Four Weddings and a Funeral, it went down as one of the most moving pieces of modern cinema in history. The power of ...
W.H. Auden remarked once that he was "suspicious of criticism as the literary genre which, more than any other, recruits epigones, pedants without insight, intellectuals without love." A prolific ...
Something went out of public life the day that W.H. Auden died in 1973 at age 66. Oh, there were still people writing poetry, still journals publishing it, still a section labeled “Poetry” in ...
This volume contains all of W. H. Auden's prose works from 1949 through 1955, including many little-known essays that exemplify his range, wit, depth, and wisdom. The book includes the complete text ...
Written in the midst of World War II after its author emigrated to America, "The Sea and the Mirror" is not merely a great poem but ranks as one of the most profound interpretations of Shakespeare's ...
The Blues went 30-19-5 under Bannister when he took over following Craig Berube’s firing in mid-December. The Cardinals and Blues had to concede one season and make bailout trades. But neither ...
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Brenner, Simon Frühwirth, Timo and Mayer, Sandra 2023. Revealing ‘invisible’ poetry by W. H. Auden through computer vision: Using photometric stereo to visualize indented impressions. Digital ...