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Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia aristata, Blanket Flower - Plant
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Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia aristata, Blanket Flower - Plant

Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia aristata is a dwarf variety that blooms all summer long, providing vibrant color to almost any perennial garden. It thrives in full sun and tolerates most soil types. This easy-to-grow plant attracts pollinators to the garden all season long and makes for the perfect border plant, container perennial or small space staple.
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American Meadows
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Arizona Red Shades Gaillardia aristata is a dwarf variety that blooms all summer long, providing vibrant color to almost any perennial garden. It thrives in full sun and tolerates most soil types. This easy-to-grow plant attracts pollinators to the garden all season long and makes for the perfect border plant, container perennial or small space staple.


SpeciesGaillardia Aristata Arizona Red Shades
Plant height10-12" Tall
Growing ZonesZone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5
Light RequirementsFull Sun
Bloom TimeSummer To Fall