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Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seed - 5 LBS + Bulk Sizes
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Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seed - 5 LBS + Bulk Sizes

Love the look of turf grass but dont want to maintain and water constantly? Our Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seed is perfect for your lawn. The soft, deep green grass is extremely durable and tolerates high traffic, making it great for play areas. This mix was developed for climates in most of the United States, where you ca…
Love the look of turf grass but dont want to maintain and water constantly? Our Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seed is perfect for your lawn. The soft, deep green grass is extremely durable and tolerates high traffic, making it great for play areas. This mix was developed for climates in most of the United States, where you can grow a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant lawn that needs mowing just once a month or less.
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American Meadows
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Love the look of turf grass but dont want to maintain and water constantly? Our Low Work and Water Dwarf Fescue Grass Seed is perfect for your lawn. The soft, deep green grass is extremely durable and tolerates high traffic, making it great for play areas. This mix was developed for climates in most of the United States, where you can grow a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant lawn that needs mowing just once a month or less.


Coverage Area5 Lbs Covers 500 Sq Ft.10 Lbs Covers 1,000 Sq Ft.
USDA Hardiness Zone5, 6, 7
SpeciesLow Work And Water Dwarf Fescue Grass
Species mixMixtures
Soil TypeAverage Soil, Sandy Soil, Clay Soil
Soil MoistureDry, Average
Light RequirementsFull Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Ideal RegionNortheast, Southeast, Midwest
Seed Life CyclePerennial
Ships AsSeed
Neonicotinoid FreeYes - Learn More