SUPERDANNY Wall Plug Outlet Extender Outlet Splitter with 4 Electrical Outlets & 3 USB Ports Extra-Wide Spaced Cube Charger Wall Plug Charger
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  • Multiple outlets in tight spaces
  • Holds devices securely
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Works with various devices
  • Suitable for various room sizes

SUPERDANNY Wall Plug Outlet Extender Outlet Splitter with 4 Electrical Outlets & 3 USB Ports Extra-Wide Spaced Cube Charger Wall Plug Charger

(17% menys)
$10.49 després del reemborsament
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<br/>【Excellent Wall Outlet Extender】- With 4 AC outlets & 3 USB ports, this SUPERDANNY 3-prong plug adapter turns 1 outlet into 7, so that you can charge multiple devices at the same time, which is a great choice for travel.<br/>【Smart USB Charging】- 3 smart USB ports on this multiple wall charger expander can intelligently detect your devices like phones, tablets, cameras, and then charge them at the fastest possible yet safe speed, up to 2.4A per port, 3.1A in total.<br/>【No-Blocking 4 Way Design】- This wall outlet adapter has 3 usb ports on the top & 3-prong outlets on each of its 4 sides to fit bulky cell phone chargers or power adapters without causing any blockage.<br/> 【5-Fold Protection】- This power brick is made of Fire-Resistant Material ABS+PC, Rating: UL94 V-0 (1382℉), the Highest Fire Resistance Level. To protect you and your valuable electronic devices, this power adapter offers all-round protection that you need: short-circuit / USB over-voltage / USB over-current / USB over-heat protection.<br/> 【Portable & Cruise Line Compliant】- This travel charging cube has a very mini size ( 3.23*1.77*1.77 inches), you can easily grab it to library or school ,then you will get enough outlets to power your laptop and phones. Without surge protection or cords, this wall outlet splitter is fully cruise line compliant, perfect for travel.
  • Pes: 1 LB
  • Alçada: 3.2 IN
  • Longitud: 1.7 IN
  • Pes: 1.7 IN

Resum de ressenyes

Contingut generat per IA
This multi-plug outlet is a great value for the price, designed to allow for multiple outlets in tight places. It is perfect for traveling and home, and is compact enough to fit in a pocket. However, some customers have experienced issues with the internal structure and customer service.


  • Multiple outlets in tight spaces
  • Holds devices securely
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Works with various devices
  • Suitable for various room sizes


  • Internal structure needs improvement
  • May not be suitable for larger watches
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