Nepal removes tonnes of rubbish, corpses and a skeleton from Mount Everest - Mount Everest has long struggled with its status ...
In April, a Chinese technology company made history by carrying out the first successful drone delivery to the world's ...
The mountain was eventually named Mount Everest, not by George Everest himself but by his successor, Andrew Waugh. Though ...
DJI teamed up with the Nepalese drone service company Airlift, video production company 8KRAW and Nepalese-certified mountain ...
DJI teamed up with The Nepalese drone service company Airlift, video production company 8KRAW, and Nepalese-certified ...
The drone tech is impressive, but the message of this film hits harder than knowing the DJI Flycart 30 can cope in the cold ...
The recent effort, which was carried out in dangerous conditions, has shone a light on a growing issue at the world-famous ...
Chinese drone manufacturer DJI has achieved the world’s first successful drone delivery on Mount Everest, reported ABC News.
Mount Everest, straddling the border between China and Nepal ... according to a report by state news agency Xinhua. The ...
Videos of the seemingly unending line of climbers heading up Mount Everest are stirring controversy and conservations online.
A British climber and his Nepalese guide are feared dead after they went missing during an ice collapse near the summit of ...