Known for the annual satirical Wharf Revue, Jonathan Biggins’s The Gospel According to Paul is a well crafted and fascinating ...
Philosophy is, in many ways, a study of justifications. Regardless of whether a student is studying epistemology, logic, ethics, metaphysics, or any other philosophical sub-discipline, they will be ...
The University of Sydney may face a class action for a breach of duty of care to protect its students against anti-semitism, among other claims.
My first year art history subject, ARHT1001 Style and Substance: Introducing Art History, discussed "women artists’ as a ...
Innowell was first introduced to USyd staff and students in 2021 following COVID-19 and the University’s commitment to ...
Following an initial meeting between the two parties on Friday last week, University management has pledged to “initiate a ...
Julia Lim (Independent), nominated by Hines, was then elected Honorary Secretary, beating out Sargun Saluja who was nominated ...
At the centre of every story is a ghost story. Or, at least it is so at the centre of this one. Directed by Hannah Goodwin, ...
On May 10, the University of Queensland announced their plans to phase out their postgraduate programs in Museum Studies, ...
University of Queensland (UQ) Management has admitted to staff that the institution stole $7.88 million in wages over seven ...
The NTEU has estimated that the accrued underpayment could total over $10 million, with some individuals being underpaid more ...
The Tertiary Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) has formally registered the new Adelaide University, which is being formed ...