The chairman of Caixabank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, and the president of the Spanish Confederation of Business ...
In Spain, the labour market behaved very favourably as unemployment continued to fall, reaching a total of 2,607,850 people ...
The International Monetary Fund, yesterday raised its growth forecast for the Spanish economy this year by half a point to ...
Eurozone retail trade sales fell by 0.5% in April compared with the previous month, while compared with the same month in ...
US competition agencies on Thursday opened market power investigations into artificial intelligence market power at Nvidia, ...
Rob Pulleyn raises the scenario of the purchase of the grid company Electricity North West by Iberdrola (IBE) or Engie, as ...
Recently, the virtuous circle between wages and inflation has begun to strengthen. Following the highest wage hike in the ...
Banc Sabadell | Naturgy (NTGY) has approved a roadmap for its electricity distribution network subsidiary with an ambitious ...
The sale and purchase of homes increased by 25.2% in April in year-on-year terms, to 61,683 units, and the granting of ...
BlackRock reaches 6.27% of the capital (as against the 3.92% it held previously) and becomes the main shareholder of the bank ...
The high percentage of the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion is a problem that Spain is unable to tackle.
The number of unemployed registered in the offices of the public employment services fell by 58,650 people in May compared to ...