The Ohio State University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US. As the United States continues to ...
DEI programs bolster college students’ sense of identity and belonging. Without these programs, they stand to miss out on ...
Global ocean temperatures have been at record highs almost daily for over a year, and economies are feeling the heat.
Scott Rick received a grant from the Russell Sage Foundation for the joint/separate account experiment described here. Love ...
Scientists don’t often have the time to get all their equipment set up to study incoming meteors from space. Instead, they ...
In the 2020 presidential election, groups of self-appointed electors in seven states met to cast votes for Donald Trump, even ...
Campaigns used deepfakes to connect with voters rather than deception, and AI also helped them break through language ...
Increasingly, the media, pollsters and pundits are focusing on independent voters and their effects on election outcomes.
Set against the backdrop of 16th-century England, Shardlake’s story unfolds in an era long pre-dating X-rays, which let us ...
Analysis of data from underwater microphones could help researchers discover the fate of missing flight MH370.
I recently binged the first season We Are Lady Parts, a Channel 4 comedy about an all-female Muslim punk band which is back ...
Rebecca A. Drummond receives funding from the Medical Research Council. Imagine you turn up to the hospital looking for help ...