Proving physical changes to the right heart emphasizes “that TR patients need to be treated,” Dee Dee Wang says.
The findings highlight the need for EP involvement in heart team discussions, and for ongoing innovation, as TTVR gathers ...
As the lines between physicians and other healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom continue to shift, a group of ...
The model performed well, but its strength lays largely in predicting those at low risk for readmissions, says Grant Reed.
The DOAC advantage might be due to having more mechanical valve recipients in the VKA group, one expert speculates.
The new paper sums up the basics for clinicians who are starting to use 3D intracardiac echo, with an eye toward the future.
While the projections for 2050 are not destiny, hard work is needed to target at-risk populations and get back on track.
In a new TVT Registry analysis, the relative reduction in risk of disabling stroke was lower than that seen in PROTECTED TAVR ...
Early hemodynamics with the balloon-expandable device do not adversely affect outcomes at 5 years in patients with small ...
This diet is already widely prescribed: experts say this study offers clues as to how and why it works against cancer and CVD ...
The siRNA agents work on different genetic targets, and both have an impact on apoB and remnant cholesterol levels.
Stuart J. Connolly, MD (Population Health Research Institute [PHRI], McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada), who left his ...