[ベルリン 11日 ロイター] - ドイツのコンテナ船運送会社ハパックロイド(HLAG.DE) , opens new ...
[上海 12日 ロイター] - 上海外国為替市場の人民元相場は対ドルで約7カ月ぶり安値近辺での推移が続いた。米インフレ統計と米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)の結果発表を控え、慎重なムードが広がっている。
独メルセデスベンツや米フォード・モーターなど世界の自動車メーカー13社が排ガス試験で不正を働いたとして、ディーゼル車の所有者約150万人がこれらの社に補償を求める裁判の予備審問が11日、英高等法院で行われた。補償の請求額は少なくとも合計60億ポンド( ...
June 12 - Cal Raleigh doubled home the tying and go-ahead runs with two outs in the bottom of the seventh inning as the ...
June 12 - Ronel Blanco teamed with three relievers on a three-hitter and the Houston Astros took advantage of a Matt Chapman error to score the decisive runs in a 3-1 ...
South Korea's main opposition leader was indicted on Wednesday on bribery charges in an alleged scheme to use an underwear ...
MUMBAI, June 12 (Reuters) - India's central bank likely intervened in the non-deliverable forward market before the local ...
The lower house of the Swiss parliament votes on Wednesday on a motion rejecting a landmark ruling ordering Switzerland to do ...
Pakistan's coalition government will present on Wednesday its budget for the fiscal year to June 2025 that analysts expect to ...
A group of 50,000 self-employed women in India have become the first beneficiaries of a novel insurance scheme that pays out when temperatures hit certain extremes.